What levels of technological complexity can we reach in a non-growing economy?
Science, technology and innovation in a post‑growth world
What would Science, Technology and Innovation look like in a world not driven by the endless pursuit of economic growth?
What new worlds might we be able to conceive if human wellbeing and the natural environment were the primary focus of innovation?
Here at the Post-Growth Innovation Lab, these questions lie at the heart of our work.
What levels of technological complexity can we reach in a non-growing economy?
This project calls for opening up a debate to deconstruct the increasingly hegemonic discourse of Circular Economy based on a technocratic approach
Postgrowth S.A. is a co-creative citizen science project, i.e. a project in which the citizens themselves are involved in the generation of knowledge through their voluntary …
Christmas is always a good time to look back 👀 and reflect on the journey of the last 12 months.
Networking with other international centres is a very important part of the group's activities. In 2024, members of the group carried out research visits to 8 centres in 5 different countries and 9 …
The director of the Post-Growth Innovation Lab group, Mario Pansera, is visiting Rikkyo University in Japan as an invited scholar.
Inspired by the snail