PhD Annual Seminars
PhD researchers from the Post-Growth Innovation Lab present the results of the work they are carrying out as part of their doctoral thesis
October 23, 2024
Aitor Alonso, Jacopo Bergamo and Noortje Keurhorst
PhD researchers from the Post-Growth Innovation Lab present the results of the work they are carrying out as part of their doctoral thesis
Aitor Alonso, Jacopo Bergamo and Noortje Keurhorst
Savanna Books e Revista Pantera é unha editorial na intersección entre a literatura e o ecofeminismo, a cultura do coidado e a rexeneración. Nesta charla Cristina Camarena, a súa editoria, falaranos…
PhD researchers from the Post-Growth Innovation Lab present the results of the work they are carrying out as part of their doctoral thesis
Alejandro Fortuny and Víctor Sánchez
PhD researchers from the Post-Growth Innovation Lab present the results of the work they are carrying out as part of their doctoral thesis
Josephine Becker and Ana García