SEMINAR - ALEX PAZAITIS (Tallinn University of Technology)
Exploring post-growth cooperative transformations
Exploring post-growth cooperative transformations
Savanna Books e Revista Pantera é unha editorial na intersección entre a literatura e o ecofeminismo, a cultura do coidado e a rexeneración. Nesta charla Cristina Camarena, a súa editoria, falaranos …
PhD researchers from the Post-Growth Innovation Lab present the results of the work they are carrying out as part of their doctoral thesis
Aitor Alonso, Jacopo Bergamo and Noortje Keurhorst
Pecharemos as actividades desenvolvidas no marco da Conferencia Internacional ESEE-Decrecemento 2024 cun pequeno evento no que proxectaremos un vídeo recompilatorio do que ten sido esta iniciativa, …
JUSTMEAT? Cultured meat. Anthropocene challenges and the opportunities for just and sustainable food transitions
Space and arts: a transdisciplinary, transformational, and transgenerational (“The Three Ts”) art science methodology for educational & outreach-driven social benefits and public engagement
Join us for a hands-on workshop exploring the futures of circular economy using scenario exploration system!