A researcher's diary
Alejandro Fortuny stay at LEST: Laboratoire d'Économie et de Sociologie du Travail (Marseille)
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Alejandro Fortuny stay at LEST: Laboratoire d'Économie et de Sociologie du Travail (Marseille)
We have several vacancies:
O proxecto europeo JUST2CE analizou como facer socialmente xusto este proceso
Un documental presenta algúns dos casos de estudo desenvolvidos en Europa e África
Terá lugar os días 12 e 13 de xuño de 2025
Baixo o lema "As Empresas da Economía Social: desde a actividade tradicional cara á innovación tecnolóxica e social" o evento pretende poñer en común as actuais liñas de investigación e as …
Christmas is always a good time to look back 👀 and reflect on the journey of the last 12 months.
Networking with other international centres is a very important part of the group's activities. In 2024, members of the group carried out research visits to 8 centres in 5 different countries and 9 …
The director of the Post-Growth Innovation Lab group, Mario Pansera, is visiting Rikkyo University in Japan as an invited scholar.
The PCC 2024 conference is being held in Mombasa under the title "Digital Africa Rising".
Over the past decade, the concept of the Circular Economy (CE) has gained significant political traction as a potential solution to the economy-environment tradeoff. However, critical social …
Although it is very difficult to summarise in a few minutes what we experienced last June at the celebration of the ESEE-Degrowth 2024 International Conference, we have prepared a short video with …
We are looking for UVigo people who are interested in gaining international experience within the framework of European projects. In particular, we are offering four positions to be seconded to …
The Post-Growth Innovation Lab at the University of Vigo invites applications for a fully funded PhD position in the project "A Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges …
We have taken a short summer break, but our group's activity never stops. Check out the latest work published by Post-Growth Innovation Lab researchers this summer.
The grant will provide them with an employment contract under which they will carry out their research work over the next four years.
We are extending the deadline for submission of proposals under the Call for Abstracts until January 19, 2024 at 11.59 p.m. (CET).
O evento contará coas participacións de Lucy Baker, investigadora da The Open University, Xavier Simón, membro do CISPAC e Aviram Sharma que representa ó grupo de investigación organizador.
Call for Abstracts will be open until December 26th. All those interested in presenting their work at the ESEE-Degrowth 2024 International Conference can send their proposals.
As Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas e outras accións de fomento nas universidades do SUG, nos organismos públicos de investigación de Galicia e …
Proposals can now be submitted under the Special Sessions/Tracks call. The deadline is October 16, 2023.
This week we will be attending the ESEE-Degrowth International Conference 2023 in Zagreb (Croatia). The event titled “Planet, People, Care: It Spells Degrowth!” will bring together activists, artists, …
Membros do noso grupo, conxuntamente con investigadores da Universidade Tecnolóxica de Tallín (TalTech), publican un artigo na revista Technovation.
ESEE-Degrowth International Conference 2024 will be held in Pontevedra in June of next year, and will jointly host the 10th International Degrowth Conference and the 15th Conference of the European …
O informe ten sido elaborado no marco do proxecto “Informe SAVES das Cooperativas Agrarias Galegas”
O Post-Growth Innovation Lab organiza un seminario no marco do proxecto TERGA para debatir sobre modelos e creación de imaxinarios que permitan anticipar as consecuencias negativas da introdución de …
In April, the Post-growth Innovation Lab hosted a workshop on ‘Post-growth/degrowth organisation” within the framework of our project PROSPERA. The workshop brought together over 20 international …
O Post-Growth Innovation Lab organizará no vindeiro 2024 en Pontevedra un evento internacional que acollerá o congreso da Sociedade Europea de Economía Ecolóxica (ESEE) e o congreso da Degrowth …
No marco do proxecto europeo PROSPERA financiado polo Consello Europeo de Investigación (ERC), o Post-Growth Innovation Lab promove un taller con obxectivo de definir unha axenda de investigación …
O proxecto ARCA xa está en marcha.
O vindeiro 24 de marzo celebraremos, no marco do proxecto ‘Informe SAVES das Cooperativas Agrarias Galegas.
En esta ocasión dedicamos nuestro podcast al valor de los cuidados y sobre su papel en el postcrecimiento