Ana García and Aitor Alonso, pre-doctoral researchers at the Post-Growth Innovation Lab, receive a pre-doctoral grant from the Xunta de Galicia (Galicia's regional government).

The grant will provide them with an employment contract under which they will carry out their research work over the next four years.

Two of the Post-Growth Innovation Lab's predoctoral researchers, Ana García en Aitor Alonso, have been awarded grants by the Xunta de Galicia to support their predoctoral stage. They join this way the list of pre-doctoral researchers in the group who are starting their research careers funded through competitive grants, together with Jacopo N. Bergamo, who also obtained a grant from the Xunta de Galicia in the 2022 call, and Víctor J. Sánchez, who has been awarded a Predoctoral Grant from the University of Vigo in the last call.. 

About them

Ana García studied a double Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and Marketing at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. After working in industry for two years, she decided to resume her training by taking the Master's Degree in Innovation and Economic Development at the University of Santiago de Compostela, attracted by issues related to sustainable development and the circular economy. This led her to become interested in the work carried out at the Post-Growth Innovation Lab at the end of 2023, and after enrolling in the PhD Programme in Creativity and Social and Sustainable Innovation at the University of Vigo, she joined the group. Her research work aims to build bridges between communication and sustainability, studying how communicative processes block or accelerate a process of just transformation that respects the ecological limits of the planet. 

Aitor Alonso studied a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Administration at the University of Santiago de Compostela and, after a year of volunteering in Estonia, he returned to academia to enrol in the Master's Degree in Sustainable Development Management at the University of Vigo, where he came into contact with the field of degrowth, sustainability and circular economy through some of the members of the Post-Growth Innovation Lab, who were part of the programme's teaching team. In 2023 he enrolled in the Inter-University PhD Programme in Economic Analysis and Business Strategy and joined the Post-Growth Innovation Lab group to carry out his research project, with which he aims to understand how power dynamics affect the transition towards fairer and more sustainable societies. Specifically, he will study the circular transition in certain Galician sectors by analysing (using political economy tools) the barriers and opportunities that may arise in this transition.