Latest publications
We have taken a short summer break, but our group's activity never stops. Check out the latest work published by Post-Growth Innovation Lab researchers this summer.
We have taken a short summer break, but our group's activity never stops. Check out the latest work published by Post-Growth Innovation Lab researchers this summer.
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Focusing on hope rather than challenges, this edited collection presents a powerful evocation of ongoing opportunities for building a better future in the Global South and beyond.
This chapter focuses on regulations, policies, and laws developed in India to deal with water quality and water pollution over the last seven decades. It traces the roots of the historical [...]
The circular economy (CE) has emerged as a focal point in discussions surrounding sustainable development, industrial production, and resource efficiency. While it has garnered attention [...]
La economía colaborativa surgió hace más de una década como una forma sostenible y social de consumir. Sin embargo, sus promesas se disolvieron rápidamente, revelando [...]