El Taller del Postcrecimiento: Segundo episodio
Ya está disponible el segundo episodio del Taller del Postcrecimiento
Xornada: Introdución ó poscrecemento
O próximo 28 de Novembro varios investigadores do noso grupo participan nunha xornada onde se abordará a problemática que acompaña á idea do crecemento económico, como é a imposibilidade dun …
Lanzamos un podcast: El Taller del Postcrecimiento
Por fin lanzamos nuestro podcast el castellano.
Project ARCA: Towards an Appropriate Climate Responsibility
Our postdoctoral researcher David Soto has received funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to develop this new project and dilucidate how the appropriate responsibility narrative …
Proxecto SAVES
SAVES é un Sistema de Asistencia Virtual para o Cooperativismo e a Economía Social, que xorde para xestionar a información sobre Cooperativismo e Economía Social en Galiza.
Unha conversa co Ministro Alberto Garzón
O 26 de Setembro visítanos o Ministro de Consumo, Alberto Garzón, co que falaremos dos límites do crecemento e o papel da universidade na transición ecolóxica.
Call for Participation – Workshop on degrowth/post-growth organisation
We would hereby like to invite early- and mid-career scholars working on the topic of organisation in connection to degrowth and post-growth to participate in our workshop from 12th April – 14th April …
Our researcher Dr Javier Lloveras has received a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) with his project R2R4postgrowth
During the next 24 months, Javier Lloveras will carry out his own research project titled “Right to repair for a post-growth society: Controversies, opportunities and challenges -R2R4postgrowth” at …
Poonam Pandey has come from India to join our Lab
With a Maria Zambrano Fellowship to attract international talent, she has come to University of Vigo to develop her research program on responsible innovation from an inclusive and decolonizing …
O noso investigador Javier de Rivera publica o seu libro “Crítica de la economía colaborativa: análisis del modelo y sus alternativas desde una perspectiva sociológica”
O libro presenta unha analise crítico do concepto de economía colaborativa a partir do “impacto social” de plataformas como Airbnb
Stefania Barcia and Marco Armiero presented the books “Forces of reproduction” and “Wasteocene”
Post-Growth Innovation Lab introduces the debate about the effects of human being on ecosystems.
The Post-Growth Innovation Lab appears in the last EASST review
The Post-Growth Innovation Lab appears in the last review of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology.
This #GivingTuesday: Support the #Postgrowth Movement for a Future That’s Better, Not Bigger
The Post-growth Innovation Lab is among 89 inspiring groups working to create a truly equitable, sustainable, post-capitalist future for all!
Institucións de Europa e África analizarán como facer socialmente xusta a transición cara a economía circular
Liderado por Mario Pansera, comprende o deseño dun sistema de apoio á toma de decisións