Javier Lloveras

Co-director of Post-Growth Innovation Lab. Ramón & Cajal Researcher

Javier is a Senior Research Fellow and Co-PI at the EU Starting Grant project "Prospering without growth: Technology, science and innovation in a post-growth era", which is associated with the University of Vigo (Spain). Prior to this role, Javier was a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the Manchester Metropolitan University School of Business & Law, where he continues to hold a Visiting Academic position. Javier's research interests revolve around notions of consumer activism, alternative forms of organising, and post-growth innovation. Javier's work is informed by interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, ranging from critical management studies and post-growth, to Science and Technology Studies. He is a specialist in the use of qualitative research methods - particularly ethnographic approaches and discourse analysis, and his research has been published in highly esteemed peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Ecological economics, Organization, Marketing Theory, and the Journal of Macromarketing.  

Latest publications

Critiques of growth : an introduction

Critiques of growth : an introduction2024
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