Josephine Becker
PhD Student
PhD Student
Jo holds a BSc in Environmental Science (University of Dundee) and a MSc in Sustainability and Behaviour Change (Centre for Alternative Technology and Liverpool John Moores University, UK). Their master thesis was on the imaginaries of degrowth scholars beyond economics in pursuit of environmental-just futures. Their doctoral thesis focuses on social movements, particularly self-organising and autonomous spaces, knowledge production, degrowth and prefigurative politics. Pursued through a feminist-activist ethnography, Jo aims to contribute how grassroots movements contest, disrupt power that uphold and reproduce the capitalist, economic-growth existing order, and by which means collective power is built as alternatives. Jo's work is hugely influenced by their involvements in political organising, which is inspired by and centred around grassroots collectives, frontline resistance and building liberated spaces everywhere. This is also captured in their work as the co-host of the YIKES Podcast.