Noortje Keurhorst

PhD Student

Noor holds a BSc in International Business from Rotterdam University and a MSc in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University. In Wageningen she studied environmental economics complimented by perspectives from political ecology, feminist economics, and African philosophy. She worked in the field of environmental economics using life-cycle analyses, true cost accounting, and modelling techniques to calculate socio-environmental value. Her drive to socialise economics brought her to writing her thesis on the role of measurement in recognising social value in the solidarity economy. Inspired by diverse economies thinking, Noor is interested in rethinking economics to embrace plurality. Besides engaging with the academic world she also seeks creativity in connecting with the human and non-human world around her. Experiences in agro-ecology have led to her immeasurable appreciation of the resilience and creativity of natural systems. After finishing her studies, she cycled through southern Europe exploring rural life, worked as a garbage lady and in an organic grocery. Through poetry, research, and practice she engages with the mosaic of post-growth transformations unfolding all around and brings this energy to the Prospera project.