Sebastián Iturriaga Gazol
PhD Researcher
PhD Researcher
Sebastián holds a BSc with a major in agricultural management and a minor in environmental management by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. During his BSc he did an academic stay in the faculty of forestry and agriculture of Helsinki University and in the research group CONFOBI (Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-Use Landscapes of Central Europe) in Freiburg University. He also holds an MSc in development and rural innovation with the knowledge technology and Innovation group at Wageningen University and Research . During his studies in Wageningen University he conducted ethnographic work with traditional cattle ranchers in Galicia and with catholic missionaries and peasant organizations in Colombia.
He was an adjunct lecturer for 2 years in the forestry and environmental management group at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has also worked as rural extensionist in Mexico in the state in Guanajuato and has participated in various international R&D projects such as SERIGO, a project coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland and counting on the Post-Growth Innovation Lab in the consortium.
In the coming years he will be perusing a PhD within the program of sustainable development and water at University of Vigo in the Post-growth innovation Lab.