ExPliCit: Exploring Plausible Circular futures

This project calls for opening up a debate to deconstruct the increasingly hegemonic discourse of Circular Economy based on a technocratic approach.

The circular economy represents a new paradigm that can push the frontiers of sustainable development by reshaping the relationships between ecological systems, economic activities and social justice.

While there is a consensus that the transition to a CE could promote a more sustainable future, there is so far a lack of discussion on how a truly circular economic system should be organised. Most of the current academic literature portrays the transition to a CE as a straightforward, neutral and apolitical process, implicitly characterised by a techno-optimistic and eco-modernist stance.

Against this background, this project calls for opening a debate to deconstruct the increasingly hegemonic discourse on the CE based on a technocratic approach and reshape it by incorporating normative and political dimensions, considering a variety of plausible CE futures and discussing their implications for the organisation of production and distribution networks, while engaging a broad range of stakeholders.

The project will involve a broad range of 5 academic and 5 non-academic partners to ensure that the project will be able to realise relevant knowledge transfer through secondment mechanisms.

The consortium will be led by the Universita degli studi di Napoli Parthenope (Italy)

More info about the project can be foud here


01/01/2023 to 31/12/2025


This project is funded by European Union, under the program Horizon-MSCA-2021-SE-01.Grant Agreement No 101086465. Total Budget: 349 600.00 €