Call for grants by the Xunta de Galicia, on a competitive basis, for the recruitment of graduates who obtained the recognition of the title of doctor for their training in centers, units or departments of the universities of the SUG allowing in a first phase to improve their skills through postdoctoral research stays abroad. It will also aim to give continuity to their research career, in a second phase of the grant, which will enable them to improve their training and establish their own line of research that will allow them, in the future, to consolidate their career.
- The training programme is divided into two phases:
- Phase 1 (3 years): Research stay abroad of 20 to 24 months. Two stays of at least 12 months each can be carried out in different centres.
- Phase 2 (3 years): at UVigo.
An interim assessment takes place after phase 1. If this is not passed, access to phase 2 is not possible.
- The monthly gross salary is approximately 2030€ in phase 1 and 2300€ in phase 2.
- The Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) must have been obtained after 1 January 2014.
- The doctorate must have been obtained after 1 January 2020.
- There is one modality, Fullbright, for conducting Phase 1 stays in the United States. The stay must be continuous and last between 20 and 24 months.
- The following criteria are considered when evaluating applications for Phase 1:
- Scientific publications (maximum 40 points). Books with ISBNs and articles receive more points than book chapters. The articles that receive more points are published in journals indexed in SCI, SSCI or AHCI.
- Participation in research projects or research contracts with companies, administrations and others (maximum 20 points). European or international projects receive the highest score.
- Patents (maximum 10 points)
- Stays in centres other than the one in which the doctorate was obtained (maximum 5 points). Post-doc stays are rated higher than pre-doc stays.
- Contributions and communications at congresses and scientific conferences (maximum 5 points). International conferences get higher score.
- Other merits such as supervision of the dissertation, teaching, awards... (maximum 5 points)
- Proposed stay (maximum 16 points): The scientific relevance of the proposed centre(s) and the work plan to be developed will be evaluated according to their quality, coherence and feasibility.
- Work plan (maximum 14 points): Quality, coherence and feasibility in relation to the topic and the objectives to be achieved will be assessed.
To apply for a postdoc with our group, please contact us before February 10th at the following e-mail: