Job Offers

Do you want to work with the Post-Growth Innovation Lab? Check here the available job offers

XUNTA DE GALICIA POST-DOCTORAL TRAINING SUPPORT GRANTS (Axudas de apoio á etapa de formación posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia)

Call for grants by the Xunta de Galicia, on a competitive basis, for the recruitment of graduates who obtained the recognition of the title of doctor for their training in centers, units or departments of the universities of the SUG allowing in a first phase to improve their skills through postdoctoral research stays abroad. It will also aim to give continuity to their research career, in a second phase of the grant, which will enable them to improve their training and establish their own line of research that will allow them, in the future, to consolidate their career.

  • The training programme is divided into two phases:
    - Phase 1 (3 years): Research stay abroad of 20 to 24 months. Two stays of at least 12 months each can be carried out in different centres.
    - Phase 2 (3 years): at UVigo.

An interim assessment takes place after phase 1. If this is not passed, access to phase 2 is not possible.

  • The monthly gross salary is approximately 2030€ in phase 1 and 2300€ in phase 2.
  • The Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) must have been obtained after 1 January 2014.
  • The doctorate must have been obtained after 1 January 2020.
  • There is one modality, Fullbright, for conducting Phase 1 stays in the United States. The stay must be continuous and last between 20 and 24 months.
  • The following criteria are considered when evaluating applications for Phase 1:
    - Scientific publications (maximum 40 points). Books with ISBNs and articles receive more points than book chapters. The articles that receive more points are published in journals indexed in SCI, SSCI or AHCI.
    - Participation in research projects or research contracts with companies, administrations and others (maximum 20 points). European or international projects receive the highest score.
    - Patents (maximum 10 points)
    - Stays in centres other than the one in which the doctorate was obtained (maximum 5 points). Post-doc stays are rated higher than pre-doc stays.
    - Contributions and communications at congresses and scientific conferences (maximum 5 points). International conferences get higher score.
    - Other merits such as supervision of the dissertation, teaching, awards... (maximum 5 points)
    - Proposed stay (maximum 16 points): The scientific relevance of the proposed centre(s) and the work plan to be developed will be evaluated according to their quality, coherence and feasibility.
    - Work plan (maximum 14 points): Quality, coherence and feasibility in relation to the topic and the objectives to be achieved will be assessed.


To apply for a postdoc with our group, please contact us before February 10th at the following e-mail: (external link)

Senior Research support technician - ATTRACT Project (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)

  • Supervisors: Dr. Javier Lloveras (external link) and Dr. Mario Pansera (external link)
  • Project TitleA Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges (ATTRACT)
  • Contract type: Indefinite duration
  • Number of positions: 1
  • Work to be performed: To support the Group’s research and innovation work, in particular the ATTRACT project.
  • Functions: Research work as part of the ATTRACT project. Participation in dissemination activities. Participation in the preparation of proposals for funding calls. Preparation of reports. Writing scientific articles. Other.
  • Gross Monthly salary: 1.900,00 € (including the apportionments of extra payments)
  • Expected starting date: 6 March
  • Workday: Full Time (37.5 hours per week)
  • Employment status: Support technician C
  • Place of Work: Pontevedra

The Post-Growth Innovation Lab at the University of Vigo invites applications for a research support technitian in the project A Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges (ATTRACT). This project investigates how the Right to Repair (R2R) movement can contribute to a post-growth society while addressing the environmental and social challenges posed by consumer electronics. The full job offer can be found at the following link: (external link)


The Right to Repair (R2R) movement advocates for greater rights and collective freedoms to repair our electronic devices, countering manufacturer practices like planned obsolescence. By promoting repairability, R2R aims to reduce electronic waste, limit resource extraction, and foster sustainable consumption practices. This project will map the multiple perspectives surrounding the R2R debate and analyse how these perspectives influence EU legislation on sustainability and circular economy. While mapping out these different perspectives is essential, the project places a strong focus on how they are being integrated in actual R2R legislation, particularly within the European Union. Finally, the project will analyse these dynamics in terms of their alignment with the transition to a post-growth economy.


We welcome graduates with a degree in political science, management, international relations or similar.

Other merits will be considered:

    • English level C1 or higher
    • Have completed or be in the process of completing a master’s degree related to sustainability and the environment
    • Have completed internships, research or study stays in foreign centres
    • Professional experience in positions related to sustainability, circular economy, climate change or similar, preferably in universities or research centres. Experience in dissemination and organisation of events and activities.
    • Personal interview. The interview will be conducted only with those 5 candidates who, in the sum of the merits, reach a minimum of 50 points


The presentation of applications can only be made online via University of Vigo website (, connecting with an electronic certificate, and entering in "Procedementos" and "Procedementos PAS/PDI" and clicking on the link UCPI 0425- Concurso de méritos para a contratación de persoal investigador . In the subject it must be indicated only the offer reference: OFERTA 0425-146694

Exceptionally for this procedure, only foreigners from outside the European Union will be able to use alternative electronic means of identification, for which they must initiate the procedure by sending an e-mail to (external link).

The presentation period will finish at 23:59 hours on February 11, 2025.

The following documents must be uploaded together with the application form:

  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Responsible declaration (Annex I) of fulfillment of the conditions established in the bases of the present call and of the veracity of the data added in the curriculum vitae.

For inquiries, please contact Dr. Javier Lloveras at [ (external link)] and Dr Mario Pansera [ (external link)]

Investigador modalidade B - Colaboración nas tarefas do proxecto CoBlue

  • Investigador principal: Brais Suárez Eiroa
  • Título do proxecto: CoBlue - Co-creating knowledge and politics in the blue economy (financiado no marco do proxecto europeo Reinforcing)
  • Referencia da oferta: 0425-148189


  • Tipo de contrato: Duración indefinida
  • Funcións a realizar: Colaboración nas tarefas do proxecto CoBlue: planificación de actividades; redacción de documentos internos; organización e coordinación de sesións de formación; organización, coordinación e facilitación de obradoiros de coprodución; seguimento e monitorización do proxecto; preparación de xustificacións e informes; realización de actividades de difusión e divulgación de resultados.
  • Retribución bruta mensual: 1.900,00 € (incluido o prorrateo das pagas extraordinarias)
  • Data de inicio prevista: 6 de marzo
  • Xornada laboral: Tempo completo (37.5 h/semana)
  • Categoría laboral: Investigador modalidade B (Titulación Universitaria Superior)
  • Lugar de traballo: Pontevedra
  • Prazo de envío de candidaturas: ata o 11 de febreiro ás 23.59h (CET)


Titulación requerida: Grao

Valoraranse os seguintes méritos:

  • Experiencia na organización e coordinación de actividades de participación pública.
  • Formación en bioloxía, ciencias do mar, ciencias ambientais ou enxeñaría; mestrado relacionado coa temática do proxecto e/ou formación complementaria en habilidades e actitudes relacionadas co proxecto (por exemplo, igualdade, inclusión social, dinamización de grupos, cooperativismo, etc.). 
  • Experiencia na xestión de proxectos e na redacción de informes e documentos técnicos e académicos.
  • Dominio do español, coñecementos de galego e nivel de inglés (mínimo B1). 

Pódese descargar a información completa sobre a oferta e o procedemento de envío de candidaturas no seguinte enlace: (external link)

    PhD researcher (09-2024). ATTRACT Project (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)

    • Supervisors: Dr. Javier Lloveras (external link) and Dr. Mario Pansera (external link)
    • Project TitleA Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges (ATTRACT)
    • Funding Duration: 4 years
    • Gross salary: approx €23000 per year
    • Scholarship type: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
    • Expected starting dateDecember 2024-January 2025

    The Post-Growth Innovation Lab at the University of Vigo invites applications for a fully funded PhD position in the project A Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges (ATTRACT). This project investigates how the Right to Repair (R2R) movement can contribute to a post-growth society while addressing the environmental and social challenges posed by consumer electronics.


    The Right to Repair (R2R) movement advocates for greater rights and collective freedoms to repair our electronic devices, countering manufacturer practices like planned obsolescence. By promoting repairability, R2R aims to reduce electronic waste, limit resource extraction, and foster sustainable consumption practices. This project will map the multiple perspectives surrounding the R2R debate and analyse how these perspectives influence EU legislation on sustainability and circular economy. While mapping out these different perspectives is essential, the project places a strong focus on how they are being integrated in actual R2R legislation, particularly within the European Union. Finally, the project will analyse these dynamics in terms of their alignment with the transition to a post-growth economy.


      We welcome applicants from any academic background—be it social sciences, humanities, or natural sciences—as long as they possess the necessary skills and motivations required for the project. Below is a detailed list of the essential skills we are looking for. While it’s not necessary to meet every single criterion, these are the qualities we will prioritize when shortlisting candidates.

      The ideal candidate will have the following essential skills:

      • A good understanding of the EU legislative process in relevant areas.
      • Experience working with qualitative research methods (e.g., interviews, discourse analysis) and a disposition to develop their qualitative research skills further.
      • Critical thinking and ability to review and synthesize academic literature across various disciplines and fields.
      • Experience conducting systematic literature reviews – or at least, a reasonable understanding of this process. 
      • A good understanding of postgrowth/degrowth theories.
      • Availability to travel for fieldwork.
      • Proven ability to carry out academic work in English (writing, reading, and speaking). Ability to communicate in Spanish language is not mandatory but advisable.
      • Autonomy, resilience, and an ability to conduct academic work independently.
      • Teamwork skills and the ability to collaborate effectively.


      ·       Candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, and a Master's degree, or equivalent, provided they have completed at least 300 ECTS credits in the two types of programmes as a whole.

      ·       We invited candidates from any discipline to apply.


      • To work on a full time PhD whose content will be directly aligned with the general project aim and objectives
      • Conduct a rigorous, systematic review of relevant literature
      • Conduct qualitative research, including aspects of research design, fieldwork, and data analysis.
      • Engage with and collect data from multiple stakeholders in the Right to Repair debate in the EU. From consumer groups to policy makers, to activists and NGOs, etc.
      • Contribute to publications, policy briefs, and public outreach as part of the project. 


      • Full funding for 4 years.
      • The opportunity to contribute to innovative research at the intersection of sustainability, postgrowth, and EU policy.
      • Access to international academic and policy networks.
      • Support for career development, including opportunities for publication and participation in international conferences.


      The application process is divided in two stages (pre-application and formal application). Only shortlisted candidates will be asked to formally apply to the University of Vigo, with detailed instructions provided at that stage. Following the formal application process, interviews will be conducted. 

      Deadline for pre-applications is 15 October. The following documents are required for this pre-application (sent to this e-mail address: (external link)):

      1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting areas that are relevant to the project
      2. A cover letter outlining their research interests and motivation for applying, including how their background fits the project
      3. At least one reference letter (preferably two) from relevant referees.
      4. A brief research proposal (max. 1,000 words) on how they would approach the PhD topic.

      The following documents will be later required for the shortlisted applicants invited to make formal application:

      1. Abbreviated CV, following the standardized format ( (external link)), with specific emphasis on scientific and technical contributions, as well as international experience and mobility.
      2. Academic transcripts.
      3. Grading scale and equivalencies (external link) (only for those studies completed outside the Spanish system), formally signed by the issuing institution (external link). This applies only to foreign degrees.

      For inquiries, please contact Dr. Javier Lloveras at [ (external link)] and Dr Mario Pansera [ (external link)]